At St. Gerald, we have simplified tuition. There is one fee for Tuition, a Registration Fee and a Manna Fee and an 8th Grade Graduation Fee. That’s it. It’s that simple. There is no mandatory fundraising or volunteering hours.
We have added everything together. No longer a separate Curriculum Fee, Technology Fee or Parishioner vs. Non-Parishioner rate. We have simplified tuition and rolled everything together, including the weekly Sunday Contribution amount.
Registered St. Gerald Parishioners may request a credit to be applied towards their last tuition payment due June 10, 2024 for the cumulative total of their weekly Sunday Collection contributions made using the St. Gerald envelopes or GiveCentral for the period of 9/1/2023 – 5/1/2024, but not to exceed $600 per family for K-8th or $300 per family for Preschool. It is required the Family Tuition Account be current at the time of the request.
There is a $50 Manna Fee, but gets earned back as you use our Manna Gift Card program.
There are flexible payment options and tuition discount opportunities available. Speak with the principal or finance manager for more information or click below for current rates and fees.