Dear St. Gerald Giant Families,
OUT-OF-UNIFORM FOR CHARITY: Friday, September 16, 2022, is an out-of-uniform day for charity. St. Gerald offers an out if uniform day each month for $1. The money collected will be given to a charity to help students understand the joy of giving. Please follow the Parent-Student Handbook for our out-of-uniform policy.
STREET RESURFACING: Parking may resume on Monday, September 19, 2022, on 94th St, McNichols Drive. Grades preschool – 2 will return to Door 2 for arrival and dismissal. Grades 3 and 4 will continue to arrive and dismiss through Door 1. Grades 5-8 will arrive and dismiss, as usual, from Door 10.
FALL PICTURES: Tuesday, September 20, is Fall picture day for grades preschool - 7. Students may be out-of- uniform and dress up for the occasion. Please follow the out-of-uniform policy in the online Parent-Student Handbook. Although the 8th grade students will not have their pictures taken on this day, they are welcome to be out-of-uniform. They will have graduation picture day on February 14, 2023.
LUNCH/RECESS VOLUNTEERS: If you are able to volunteer for recess/lunch duty a day or two a week, please contact Mrs. Reynolds. Each time you work, you will receive a $10 tuition credit.
NEON DANCE: All students grade 3-8 who are planning to attend the Neon Dance on Saturday, September 24, please return your permission slips with money in an envelope labeled “Neon Dance” to school by Wednesday, September 21st. We are still in need of volunteers to chaperone. Please feel free to reach directly to Shari O'Donnell (708)-227-9452 or Lisa Hannan (708) 422-5861. Donations would be greatly appreciated as well, we could use 2 Liters of Coke, Root beer, Orange and Sprite, Water, Juice Boxes, or cans of coke.
HSA’S FALL MUM SALE: Fall season is here and with it comes the HSA’s Fall Mum Sale. They are in 8-inch pots and are sure to brighten anyone’s day! Add a mum to your order to decorate the church/school grounds. Please see the link for the order form and details. DETAILS
SOUTHWEST HIGHWAY WATERMAIN STREET PROJECT: The Village of Oak Lawn is starting a major water main replacement project effective September 21-22, 2022. It will affect all traffic patterns around our school/church AND our morning drop off procedures. For the safety of all, please carefully read the attached link. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation.
HOMECOMING 2022: St. Gerald Giants will be celebrating Homecoming Week, September 23-25th. Please see the link.
EARLY DISMISSAL: Just a reminder, Wednesday, September 28, is an early dismissal day for staff development. Dismissal will be as follows: preschool dismissal 1:20, Kindergarten 1:25, and Grades 1-8 1:30. Extended Care will be open.
HIGH SCHOOL RECRUITMENT DAY FOR GRADES 7-8: On Friday, September 30, 2022, the following high schools will visit St. Gerald School during the school day: Nazareth, Marist, St. Laurence, St. Rita, Mother McAuley, Mount Carmel, and Brother Rice.
QUEEN OF HEARTS: Queen of Hearts has begun! You can purchase tickets now, thru Give Central, in person before/after weekend Masses or use the collection boxes in the Church vestibules. We will also be selling at the Homestead Barr on Thursdays (beginning September 29th from 6:30 - 8 pm with the drawing immediately following. We need volunteers to sell tickets, if you are able, please contact Mary Ellen at 708-203-7550! Thanks, Mary Ellen
YEARBOOK 2022/2023: Anyone that preorders their 22-23 yearbook by 9/30 will receive a 10% discount. If you need specific information not in the flyer, contact Mrs. Wilk. [email protected] FLYER/Ordering info.
Thank you, as always, for your continued support and prayers. God bless you and your families.
Mrs. Theresa Fiscella
Interim Principal