The Gerald Gazette for 1/22/24
Help us to welcome others as if we were welcoming you. Help us to listen first so that we can learn how to best welcome others in ways that are appropriate to their cultural and personal preferences. Help us to value the needs of others more than our own levels of comfort.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday 1/23: D.A.R.E. Graduation at 1pm in the Gym
Tuesday 1/23: Open House Committee Meeting at 5:30pm in Arnold Hall
Wednesday 1/24: 2nd Trimester Progress Reports Go Home
Friday 1/26: Dress Down for Charity (Almost Home)
Sunday 1/28: Open House following 9:30am Mass, 10:00-1:00 INFORMATION
Sunday 1/28: Girls Volleyball Pack the House at 1pm
February 2/10: Casino Night FLYER INFORMATION
February 2/24: Daddy Daughter DANCE INFORMATION
Catholic Schools Week Open House: Immediately after 9:30am Mass on 1/28. This is for ALL families, both current and prospective/new ones! We will have activities for the kids and information for the parents! Re-register that day for a discount on registration fees and we will have raffle baskets as well for you to win! This is also an amazing time to visit your child’s classroom and see all our amazing newly remodeled Specials classrooms. Please see the flyer for more information.
Gina Reynolds Send-Off: We had a wonderful send-off for a wonderful person this past week! Gina Reynolds, our amazing office secretary retired after over 20 years at St Gerald. We had a special Mass for her on Thursday 1/18 and took up a collection for her as well. Gina wanted me to thank you all for thinking of her and all the words of encouragement and gifts this past week! We will miss her!
Casino Night: This year it will be hosted on Saturday February 10th by our Holy Name Society. We are looking for sponsors for this event. Please see this flyer for more information. SPONSOR INFO
Daddy Daughter Dance: This incredibly special event will be on Saturday February 24th at Gaelic Park this year. Please see this flyer for more information.
Student Attendance: Moving forward and starting today, if a parent does not call the main office when their child is out, it will be marked as an unexcused absence. If a child accumulates 3 unexcused absences, we will be having our truancy officer get involved.
Tuition Payments on Blackbaud: We have had quite a few families explain to us that Blackbaud charges a fee for paying for tuition with a credit card. Unfortunately, this seems to be the trend most days at most places. We would advise you to either come to the office and pay in person or have it automatically deducted from your bank account and then no fees are charged. Any questions, please contact Mary Ellen Bizzotto in the main office.
Sharing Pics: Please consider sending any and all photos you have taken at any school related event to either [email protected] and [email protected]. You can also upload your pictures directly to Treering (our yearbook program). The below link has a video snippet and step by step directions. Folders have already been created in treering for all grades and all events that have already occurred. There is also a folder for each specials class and each sport. Parents that already have an account can login any time instead of waiting until the end of the year and load their pics as things happen. If parents need to create an account our school code is 1014459653501220 INFO FLYER
Manna Hours:
1st & 3rd Sundays in Arnold Hall 9-12
Wednesdays: 6-730pm at Door 10
Fridays: 815-930am School Office
We will also have a MANNA table at Open House!
Bingo on Fridays: Doors open at 4:30pm and the first game is at 6:45pm. It is $10 to play. You must be 18 years or older to play. Progressive jackpots throughout the evening. Please share this on social media as well, thanks!
Dress Appropriately: Please be sure all students are dressing appropriately for the weather. We will go outside for recess if the ‘Feels Like’ temperature is above 29 degrees.
Virtus: This is mandatory for all individuals who want to coach or volunteer in any capacity this year. If you are unsure if you are compliant in Virtus, please reach out to me directly. The website to use is
Yearbook: Parents may log in to their existing account or create an account using the passcode on the flyer. All books must be ordered online. Books may be pre-purchased, and pages can be customized all the way up to the order deadline of June 10, 2024. Books will be ready for pick up at curriculum day in August. Feel free to upload into tree ring and make sure to click shared photos. You should then see a place to choose a shared folder to load them to.